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Today was living-rooms-and-dining-room day. I also did the kitchen, even though we aren’t going shopping this week. We’ve been extending the time between shopping trips to 2-3 weeks, rather than every week during the stay-at-home order.
Going to the store so rarely makes me wish for daily milk deliveries! It’s the only thing I keep running out of. According to the vintage diet and nutrition advice, I should be going through 2 gallons of milk a day for my family sie. Have you ever tried to fit 14 gallons of milk in your fridge? That’s one week’s worth of milk. Yeah.
Anyway, the house is all clean for my birthday weekend. My irises and apple blossoms will be in full flower. And I will spend the weekend sewing. I really want to make a couple of vintage dresses. I read The Ugly Dame every day, and I want to look like her! So inspiring. So, I’m collecting some vintage patterns and starting a vintage wardrobe. I found a vintage playsuit patter for little kids, and I’m thinking of making a couple for the littler children, too.
And that’s what I’m looking forward to this weekend!