A Very Vintage December, Day 4 — and a very busy day! We were supposed to get snow, but it fizzled. I’m not sorry, though. There is still plenty of snow on the ground from our Thanksgiving storm, and another storm coming through this weekend. I hate driving in the snow, so I’m just fine with having the storm fizzle out on my errand day. Here’s today’s list:
Complete Daily Vintage Cleaning Routine
Today is errand day. (I also told my kids their job was to polish the silver today.) So, I dropped off some brownies, bought wrapping paper, and mailed my packages. Then, I went grocery shopping and picked up my weekly produce share. And went to the midwife, of course — I’m on weekly visits now. It was a lot of fun dropping off brownies to people! I also made a point of buying a couple of jars of Nonesuch Mincemeat Pie Filling.
Make Flaming Mince Pie for Dessert

I am one of those weird people who LOVES mince pie. Fortunately, so does my whole family. They were thrilled that we were having mince pie for dessert, since it wasn’t on the menu. I had so much fun with the blazing sugar cubes. I haven’t quite worked up to the vintage blazing desserts yet, but this is a fun way to start! I didn’t use pie crust mix — I made my own — but I did use jarred mincemeat. And I served it with whipped cream. Always gotta have the whipped cream.
Make and Freeze Lemon Custard Angel Rolls for New Year’s

I cannot find the recipe for these ANYWHERE! I had to improvise. I made an angel food jelly roll and filled it with a sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice filling (like a key lime pie filling), and froze it. On New Year’s I will slice it and serve it with whipped cream. And maybe some flaming sugar cubes.
Make a Foil and Lollipop Wreath

I already have wreaths on my doors, but I could not resist this vintage treat! I’m sure I will find somewhere to hang it, but for now, it is over the sideboard in my dining room. You make a wreath form out of aluminium foil (it is a decoration idea from ALCOA, after all), and then stick in candy canes and lollipop sticks, or wrap them with ribbon. I loved the shiny look, so I used shiny ribbons and some lass ornaments, to make it look like the picture. The book is The Oster Golden Circle of Holiday Ideas, and I think that I will try these projects for a few days. They are all so colorful!

And that’s all for today! Tomorrow, new adventures in mid-century crafting await! What are you doing tomorrow?