Mid-Century Menu Monday: Thanksgiving Edition!

Mid-Century Menu Monday! Your 1950s Meal-Plan Monday for weekly vintage dinner menus.

Happy Thanksgiving Week! I love Thanksgiving, and every year, I make a giant vintage dinner — appetizers, turkey, 8-10 sides, pie. I do it pretty much all myself, although I finally have teenagers old enough to help, thank goodness! Anyway, for this week, we all still have to eat (and eat, and eat), so here are my weekly dinner menus for Mid-Century Menu Monday — Thanksgiving week style!

Mid-Century Menu Monday! Your 1950s Meal-Plan Monday for weekly vintage dinner menus.

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Mid-Century Menu Monday Dinners for Thanksgiving Week

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Yes, I make all of that for Thanksgiving. I do all the prep on Tuesday and Wednesday, then Thursday is an assembly line of cooking and dishing up. I plan on at least 24 people, and I use vintage recipes that serve 6-8, so I triple all the recipes and make a 20+ lb. turkey and a baked ham. All of the recipes for Thanksgiving and also for Sunday’s Re-Giving come from the 1955 edition of the Good Housekeeping Cook Book.

There are many vintage cookbooks that contain complete menu plans for a full year, based on providing nutrition and variety to the vintage housewife’s meals. The best one is Meta Given’s The Modern Family Cookbook, but only the earliest editions. Some of my favorites are:

These are hearty warming meals from one of my vintage meal plans. They all center around cold-weather dishes and seasonal foods. Here are some other menu plans for November:



Wednesday (Husband’s Tradition)

  • Frijoles y Chili con Carne
  • Spinach and Sliced Tomatoes
  • Tortillas
  • Cooked Dry Fruit

Thursday — Thanksgiving!

You can get all of my recipes in my ebook!

  • In the Living Room:
    • Hot Spiced Cider
    • Cheese Puffs
  • At the Dinner-Table:
    • Roast Turkey with Savory Stuffing & Giblet Gravy
    • Baked Glazed Ham
    • Duchesse Potatoes
    • Glazed Pearl Onions & Carrots
    • Puffy Mallow Sweet Potatoes
    • Buttered Brussels Sprouts
    • Green Beans de Luxe
    • Corn Pudding
    • Buttered Beets
    • Cranberry Mold
    • Jellied Cranberry Relish
    • Celery Hearts Stuffed with Blue Cheese
    • Ripe & Stuffed Olives
    • Hot Cloverleaf Rolls
  • For Afters:
    • Pumpkin Pie
    • Mince Pie
    • Pecan Pie
    • Chocolate Turkeys for Children
    • Hot Coffee



Sunday — The First Day of Advent

  • Old English Spiced Cider
  • Roast Turkey with Giblet Gravy
  • Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Buttered Green Beans
  • Glazed Small Onions
  • Speedy Whole Cranberry Sauce
  • Crescent Rolls
  • Celery and Carrot Sticks
  • Mince Pie with Cream
Mid-Century Menu Monday! Your 1950s Meal Plan from Mid-Century Modern Mommy. Find us on Facebook!

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If you would like, you can check out the rest of my mid-century dinner menus. And if you make the menus, share a pic on Instagram and tag me! (Are you following me on Instagram? I share a lot of vintage homemaking quick wins over here!)

The Modern Family Cook Book, Meta Given, 1961

Sunset All-Western Cook Book, Genevieve Callahan, 1933